Phytoparking at Argex office, Kruibeke (BE)


Phytoparking purifies sanitary waste water from Argex office, Kruibeke (BE)

At the Argex office building in Kruibeke, Rietland has a Phytoparking constructed to purify the sanitary waste water of 40 employees. This purification is placed under 2 parking spaces (25m²). The analyzes show that the removal rates for BOD, COD and particulate matter are all above 90% and that the legal discharge requirements are easily met.

Learn more about the water cycle can be found through this link.

Client: Argex
Address: Kruibeeksesteenweg 162, 2070 Zwijndrecht
Dimensions: 25 m² (2 parking spaces)
Goal: Phytoparking for sanitary (black) waste water of an office with 40 employees.