The innovative area development project SuperLOCAL focuses on the theme 'Reclycle City'. High-rise flats from the 1960s are partly demolished but also reused for the construction of approximately 130 new homes and the design of the public area in Bleijerheide (Kerkrade-East). Rietland is participating in this by placing a Phytoair of 85m² that will treat gray water from 250 people. Energy is extracted from the black water.
Phytoair treats gray wastewater from 250 people at SuperLOCAL (Kerkrade NL)

Client: Water Board Limburg (WBL)
Address: Voorterstraat 253, Kerkrade NL
Dimensions: 85m² = 10.5m x 8m
Goal: To treat gray domestic waste water from 250 people in a district.