Demand-driven wastewater treatment at Ghent University

Demand-driven wastewater treatment at Ghent University

Ghent University focuses on the reuse of purified waste water for toilet flushing. The rainwater can then be maximally infiltrated into the soil. Because the university buildings are located in an urban area, there is a connection to the sewerage system.


H2pOwer Argex Cooling of buildings in an urban environment through the use of purified waste water The roof has a mosaic of colors and buzzing sounds, the Kattestaart enjoys the breeze of the Scheldt and meanwhile micro-organisms work diligently to...
Unique green roof with riparian plants at Argex

Unique green roof with riparian plants at Argex

As part of the Flanders Circular Construction programme, Rietland, together with partners IBIC, Cofrax, Argex and supported by Ghent University and VLAKWA, installed a unique green roof at Argex in Kruibeke. The roof was completed in June 2023 and will be monitored in 2023...